How to Set Up a Professional Blogger Blog 

Create a blog in Google blogger for free. How to create Professional blog in Blogger site. Online marketing for beginners and complete tutorial for how to make a blog

How to Create a Professional Blog That Was Approved by Google AdSense

Create your own professional blog for free

Writing a blog is very popular these days. When we are writing a blog, quantity is just as important as quality. A website and a blog are different from each other by a little. 

This tutorial is slightly different from other tutorials. From here, I will give you a full introduction to the Blogger site and the tools, custom templates, and more. 

How do bloggers get paid?

Bloggers can earn money through numerous methods. The main method is Google AdSense. Google Ad Sense is a service provided by Google. Bloggers get paid by displaying ads on their blogs and getting paid per impression or per click. One more way to earn money through a blog is by displaying custom ads that you get from sponsors.

How can I create a blog for free?

1. Sign in to Blogger

  • To sign into Blogger, you must have a Gmail and Google account
I don't think that I should tell you how to create a Google account.Then sign in to the site and complete the questions that it asks.
  • Click the down arrow on the left
  • Click new blog
  • Enter a name for your blog
  • Click next
  • Enter a blog address
  • Click save
Note;- These things can change in the future.

2. Introducing the menu

On the left side of the blogger, there is a drop-down menu. These are the sections that we use to create our blog. I will review these sections one by one in the future.

3. Get a Theme

  • The theme of a blog is very important. That is more than attractiveness. Readers will come to your blog if it is user-friendly and easy to use. The theme has an important role when the reader comes to your blog and searches for a particular blog post. 
  • Another point to consider is that some theme templates are designed with SEO in mind. 

The blogger provided us with a few theme templates and they have been classified into some categories.
Here I will tell you something special.
We can also add a custom theme template that was downloaded from another website.

How to install a custom theme template for your blog correctly

Go to the folder that contains that downloaded theme and extract it.
The theme folder contains an XML file that we need to install.
  1. Go to your blog site and go to the 'Theme' section.
  2. Then choose a theme that has been provided by the blogger.
  3. You can see the installed theme on top. Go to the arrow next to the customized tab and choose Restore from the drop-down list.
  4. Then upload your XML file.
  5. you can see your template by 'View blog' on the bottom

4. Designing the Layout

Go to the Layout section in the menu. Here, we can edit the layout of our blog. We can add new gadgets provided by Google Blogger.
You can design your own theme.

5. Create a post

Go to the posts section, and here we can create posts. Click "new post."

6. Create a page

Pages are used to describe specific introductions. You know that when we go to a website, every website has specific pages like "about us," "contact us," "privacy," and etc. These pages are often important in the approval of Google AdSense. So make sure to create these pages on your blog.

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