07 MESSED UP Moments In Games That Nobody Talks About

 07 MESSED UP Moments In Games That Nobody Talks About

Video games are often filled with big moments that we can't help but talk about, but some are a little messed up, and people are a little quieter. Hi folks, it's Flemingo, and today's TechyRanx 10 messed-up moments in games that nobody talks about. Starting off at number 07.

07. Yoshi's Woolly World's genocide

It's Yoshi's Woolly World's genocide. Yeah, this game appears to be about as kid-friendly as you can get, and it mostly is; it's just the premise that's a little off. 

The game begins with all the Yoshis just hanging out, minding their own business, until a comic appears and begins zapping them into little bundles of wool. Why not build Bowser Jr. a comfy castle? Of course, it's basically the 101st Dalmatian spot. They want to kill a bunch of Yoshis and turn them into a castle. I mean, obviously, that's not the exact plot. They kill the dogs and make them into coats, but it's Most games with stories like this make it clear how messed up they are, like in Odd World. 

In Abe's Odyssey, the bad guys are going to turn the main character's race into moodikan popsicles. It's disgusting. But in this game, they're just kind of downplaying how dark and strange the premise is. I guess when you start a game where everyone's made out of wool, things are probably going to get weird no matter what. 

06. Katamari Damasi

At number six is Katamari Damasi. You roll people and animals up into a ball, and, like, it just keeps growing here. 

Katamari Damasi is a cute little game with a ridiculous premise. Your little guy, known as the prince, is tasked by the king of all the cosmos to roll up a bunch of junk to make stars. It starts out innocuously enough, with you rolling up various pieces of junk lying around to make a star. You start off small, but as missions continue, the amount of stuff you can roll up starts getting more and more alive. At first, you're rolling up bugs before moving on to house pets, farm animals, and even human beings. Eventually, you're rolling up entire countries and planets. 

Thankfully, the game is really abstract and intentionally absurd because, otherwise, rolling up hundreds of people to turn into stars would be pretty creepy. Actually, it's still pretty creepy. When you roll people up, they tend to let out indistinct screams, and anything in your ball can be seen flailing its arms around wildly as if trying to escape, or at the very least looking alarmed. 

And yeah, at the end of the game, no matter what you've rolled up, the ball will go into space and turn into a star, and all those cute little animals and innocent people you've held up, they're all dead. 

05. Kirby's Dreamland III

Number five in Kirby's Dreamland III is the boss who shoots blood at you. Do you know which one I'm talking about? The entire premise of the Kirby series is kind of messed up when you think about it. 

For whatever reason, Kirby has some strange and creepy bosses as well. He's always hungry. He's basically got this bottomless stomach. On top of that, he's got some giant white hair and a red eye. It attacks first by shooting small dark things at Kirby, which isn't so bad, but later it starts creating a series of red cuts on its body and shooting red ovals forward. It's not exactly blood, but it's also hard to see anything else. 

For some reason, the Kirby games love to have these epic final bosses, but this one is kind of nasty. 

04. Spider-Man and Batman takedowns

At number four, there are Spider-Man and Batman takedowns. Specifically, these non-lethal takedowns where Batman punches a guy in the head so hard that he knocks him out or Spiderman kicks a guy and he's unconscious. It's mostly shown as an alternative to killing. 

They're the good guys, so Spider-Man, on the other hand, is super strong, and even though they always say he's going easy on the bad guys, some of these attacks are kind of nasty. I mean, he's just throwing guys into walls and vehicles with enough force to damage them, and there's a good chance, I think, that a lot of these guys will just be dead after these kinds of attacks. 

At some point, basically any game where you're doing the right thing by beating people into unconsciousness is actually kind of messed up by real-world standards, because yeah, you didn't kill them, but some of them would probably end up wishing they were dead at some point. 

03. Legend of Zelda

This one has always bothered me in the Legend of Zelda games. The original game gave you a hint that Dodongo dislikes smoke, which means that to beat it, you need to get it to swallow a bomb. 

I mean, bombs never do anything in a Zelda game except break walls and throw enemies back. I mean, they do damage to enemies, but this one particular instance of bombing things feels messed up to anyone else. 

02. In-game stand-alone DLC for Red Dead Redemption

So, when they were making the in-game stand-alone DLC for Red Dead Redemption called Undead Nightmare, they finally put these creatures into the game, but it's all a big joke. There's not really any satisfaction in hunting them down. 

01. Paper Mario

And finally, at number one in Paper Mario, the origami king, Bob-omb, sacrificed the whole thing. This is just wild. Paper Mario is the origami king in the game. One of the companions you meet is this little dude named Baba. 

He is a bobo-omb who washed up in toad town with amnesia and loves to joke about blowing things up and blowing himself up. Considering all the jokes, you'd think that this guy, if he blew up, would just pull a looney tune. You know, it'd be a blast, and he'd be fine. It's a little sad, but it'd be strange if a main character died in a paper Mario game, especially one as ridiculous as Bob-omb, but that's what happens to clear the boulders in its street paper valley. 

So remember this guy whenever you pick up a bomb in a Mario game; they're little guys with their own hopes and dreams, and when they blow up, they die forever. Every time you throw one of these little guys at another enemy, you set one off. 

We upload new Posts every day of the week. I'm Flemingo. We'll see you next time right here in the game ranks.

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